Sabine Halm and her lace in Fil 6

Fil 6 and lace

Fil 6 dentelle Tulle Madrigal b

Fil 6 project, which will take place in Tulle in November.
During which a master class will be organized,
in which I would enjoy training 8 women.

A god first inspired me to set up in my room a great loom
and weave a thin and long veil in it. Homer

- The Odyssey "The Web of Penelope" (XIX, 103-163)

Fil 6 wants in the light of the world and that of the Gods to show
the work that is being done and the hands of the worker who make it happen.
The impact of this collaborative project that we are deploying below will be social,
cultural and jointly economic.
It borrows all the threads that weave our territory.
He goes to meet women and men.
He explores know-how and wants to promote them.
Immersed in textile explorations since the beginning of his research for this project,
the team questions the relationship to know-how and professions in the process
of being forgotten, and to those who exercise them.